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How it works

There are no fancy tricks other than a little HTML, CSS and Javascript. Tara Iti creates exam questions for AS91164: Structure, Bonding and Energy Changes for Level 2 Chemistry. The layouts and pool of possible molecules are inspired from about 15 years of external assessment. The end result is at least one billion possible permutations for each archetype of exam question - each output has a different layout or a slight variation. Tara Iti also calculates a suggested answer and presents it as something which resembles a mark schedule.

The intention of this resource is to:

Tara Iti - The Fairy Tern

Tara Iti is the rarest bird in Aotearoa. It is extremely vulnerable to predation by introduced pest species and the threat of severe weather events. As it nests in coastal areas its population has also suffered from habitat loss due to human activities. Its conservation status is "Nationally Critical", and there are only about 40 of these birds left.

I have chosen to name this resource after the bird "Tara Iti" to draw attention to its nationally critical status; you have billions of practice questions at your fingertips while this bird has less than a dozen breeding pairs remaining. This resource has also been published early to encourage you to vote in the annual NZ Bird of the Year Competition.

Lian Soh

At the time of writing, Lian Soh is in his 8th year of science and chemistry teaching. He has a background in chemistry, computer science and all the technical and creative aspects of instructional design - especially content creation. Lian is also a regional representative for the New Zealand Association of Science Educators and Secondary Chemistry Educators NZ in the Bay of Plenty. Kaiako can sign up to receive newsletter updates by emailing LSOH@papamoacollege.school.nz - you do not have to be teaching in the Bay of Plenty.

In 2023, Lian was nominated and named a finalist in the Kudos Science Educator and University of Waikato Vision Mātauranga awards. You can find out more about his teaching [BY CLICKING HERE].


Tara Iti © 2024 by Lian Soh - Pāpāmoa College Science Learning Area (a Ministry of Education New Zealand school) is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

The background image of a Tara Iti has been licensed via Adobe Stock and must not be reused or modified.